Thursday, January 21, 2010

1/10 through 1/16

January 10th, 2010
My friend Melissa and I are both pretty crafty, but in very different ways. We thought it would be fun to make some crafts to sell online at So, I started making a sample product to advertise. This is what I made so far (unfinished).

January 11th, 2010
Here's a little more of the crafts (not finished yet):

January 12th, 2010
Josiah is a very happy baby. If he is sleeping and begins to cry, I know that he just needs to be soothed back to sleep and nap awhile longer. If I hear him cooing and talking, though, I know he's ready to get up. And when I walk in and peek over the crib, I see the biggest smile from my precious baby boy. This is what I wake up to every morning!

January 14th, 2010
I watched Jolyn's daughter, Katelyn (20 months old), at daycare today. After Jolyn got out of school, she hung out with me for a little while. Our two kids together:


January 15th, 2010
Jesse and I have been so busy with work, school, daycare, and taking care of the baby, that we've barely had time for each other. We spent this night as a date night while my friend Melissa kept Josiah overnight. The pictures I have from this day aren't related to that, though. First of all, I was dressing Josiah, and picked out a onesie with a matching hat. I put on a long sleeve onesie on first, though, for extra warmth. Then I put on the onesie I had picked out to find that it was really small. After stuffing Josiah into it, I put him in overalls, sock, and shoes, and then tried to top off the outfit with the matching hat. It was then, though, that I found that his had was extremely small and the bill on it was huge. He looked so goofy, but I worked so hard to get him into that outfit, so I made it work. I took the hat off so it wouldn't smush his little head, but took a picture first.

The other part of my day consisted of doing daycare with this little cutie, Trevin. I watched him everyday from the 13th to the 22nd, but will only be the backup daycare provider after that.

January 16th, 2010
I was sitting in the backseat of the car this day next to Josiah as he slept. As I gazed at my baby boy, I thought, "I really am going to miss this someday. It's going SO FAST! I don't want to forget these sweet moments."

Later, we joined my mom and aunt at a Chinese restaurant for dinner. My aunt's fortune cookie read, "You could make a name for yourself in the field of medicine."... My aunt is a nurse. I found it amusing.